10 Common Computer Security Threats You Must Know About

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Computer security threats are threats that can affect the smooth functioning of your PC. These could be small adware or harmful Trojan malware. In modern times, as the world is developing, computer security threats are increasing.

Since the beginning of the IT era, our dependence on technology has increased manifold. Technology has made our lives easier, and we have access to almost all of humanity’s knowledge through the Internet, which we can access from our mobile devices.

However, this technological advancement also opens the door for cybercriminals to exploit the same technology to harm others.

The most common type of harm caused to others by cybercriminals is financial loss, which, in severe cases, can even lead to blackmail and extortion.

Therefore, the cyber security industry is growing these days, and it will continue to do so until we stop using technology.

What Are Computer Security Threats?

Computer Security Threats

A computer security threat is the occurrence of activity that steals data, causes a system to malfunction, or disrupts the device’s environment. There can be many reasons for such an attack. Therefore, once all the vulnerabilities of a device are publicly exposed, it becomes easier for the device to infiltrate the system and perform unwanted and destructive operations.

In addition to physical attacks, which are now rare, incidents of cyber interference are also becoming more frequent. Additionally, all the usual computer security approvals are required if we want to prevent any harmful effects on our systems and the data available on them.

Common Computer Security Threats You Must Know About

The World Wide Web is full of wonders and there is abundant data available about everything. Computer security threats also provide abundant information. However, you cannot be certain that the information people share on the Internet is 100% truthful. Therefore, you should always consider doing your research through various resources before reaching any conclusion.

Don’t ignore computer security threats if your device stores specific data that you need to keep private. Endpoint devices like computers, smartphones, laptops, tablets, and other IoT systems become easy targets for cyber criminals. Here is a list of seven common computer security threats that can harm your system and the sensitive data available.

Types of computer security threats

A security threat is a threat that can cause harm to a computer system or organization. The reason may be physical, such as a computer containing sensitive information being stolen. The cause may not be physical, such as a virus attack.

1. Physical Threats

Physical threats to computer systems are potential sources of events/incidents that can cause data loss or physical damage. It can be classified as:

  • Internal: short circuit, fire, non-stable supply of power, hardware failure due to excess humidity, etc. cause it.
  • External: Disasters such as floods, earthquakes, landscapes, etc. cause it.
  • Human: Destroying of infrastructure and/or hardware, thefts, disruption, and unintentional/intentional errors are among the threats.

2. Non-physical threats

Non-physical threats are potential sources of events that result in:

  • interfering with business operations dependent on computer systems.
  • Confidential: loss of data or information;
  • illegally tracking the activities of another’s computer system.
  • Functions to hack user IDs and passwords.

Non-physical threads can usually be caused by:

3. Computer Viruses

Computer viruses are common security threats that originate in the form of copies of files available in computer devices. Because of the common usage of the terms, most of us call other threats computer viruses. Therefore, threats caused by downloading free software and other applications can enter your computer system without your knowledge.

Additionally, there are several scenarios that can lead to attacks that destroy this system. Such as converting data from one device to another, using USB file sharing, or the effects of harmful network data.

4. Spyware Threats

One of the most dangerous and destructive threats is computer security. A spyware attack is like an unknown agent that silently monitors your every activity, including your sign-ins, website visits, and search history. This threat follows all these monitoring practices to steal security passwords and sign-in passwords from the target computer device.

The language of the spyware threat directly indicates that it is malware implemented covertly to steal data. This threat should not be taken lightly, as it only takes a single entry to steal data such as bank account and credit card passwords and personal security codes.

5. Computer Worms

Digital worms show similarities to system viruses. However, it does not require replicated files to propagate. These commonly occur on all devices, slow down computers, and frustrate users by causing systems to crash or function improperly.

Digital worms are digital parasites that eat away at your system and cause it to stop working. These basically weaken the network connection and cause the infected elements to spread rapidly to other connected devices.

6. Rootkit

This threatening and damaging attack is the most effective of all attacks. Rootkits that create virus files or worms and track them through online networks masquerading as essential files take no time to start their data theft activities and eventually cause system crashes or unexpected shutdowns.

To prevent theft of financial data, credit card passwords and other sensitive information, you need the most reliable and up-to-date antivirus or cyber security team that is difficult to detect.

7. Scareware

Here comes a computer security threat that most of the users face, but they don’t know that it is fraud. Scareware is technology that appears on your computer screen to induce fear. Usually, this virus attacks by sharing fake identities and influencing users to purchase unknown and unreliable antivirus software to protect anything.

Once implemented, this threat can attack your device from online websites and download free software and applications. Furthermore, the main purpose of this threat could be to purchase counterfeit antivirus software, leak data, or corrupt the targeted users’ computer systems.

8. Keyloggers

Keylogger is a well-executed attack whose main objective is to steal all the sensitive data of the user available on the computer device. Known as the most effective variant of cyber attacks, it is directly linked to cyber breaches committed by cyber criminals within devices.

Keyloggers can monitor users’ computer activities in real time. A keylogger is a program that runs in the background, records every keystroke you make, and sends that data to hackers for the purpose of stealing your passwords and financial information.

From tracking the target user’s online presence to monitoring every activity, keyloggers (also known as keystroke loggers) have all kinds of predatory elements that can exploit your computer device’s special data.

9. Trojan Threats

This Trojan software attaches itself to your system as a normal application without showing any suspicious or unwanted signals. However, once the installation is successful, it starts performing tasks that affect the system environment and lead to many security breaches.

Simply put, cyber trojans are exposed as legitimate intrusions on any enterprise or endpoint device. However, after installation, the data storage system degenerates and attempts to take complete control over the command capabilities of the computer.

 10. Denial-of-Service Attacks

A denial-of-service attack is one in which an attacker attempts to prevent legitimate users from obtaining information or services. In this attack, the attacker attempts to make system or network resources unavailable to the targeted user. The web servers of large organizations like banks, commerce, and trade organizations have been compromised.

Importance of knowing about cyber security threats

Cyber security is a way to protect computer networks and systems from digital attacks. These attacks can be caused by viruses, malware, phishing scams, etc. And as our lives become increasingly connected, the risks have never been greater.

Examples of Online Cybersecurity Threats

Computer Viruses

Perhaps the most well-known computer security threat, computer viruses are programs created to change the way your computer operates without your permission or knowledge. Viruses replicate and execute themselves, usually damaging your computer in the process.

To avoid viruses, it is important to carefully evaluate free software, downloads from peer-to-peer file sharing sites, and emails from unknown senders. Most web browsers now have security settings that can provide the best protection against online threats. However, as we say several times in this article, the most effective way to protect against viruses is to use the latest antivirus software from a reputable provider.

Spyware Threats

Spyware, a serious computer security threat, is a program that monitors your online activity or installs programs without your consent for commercial purposes or to obtain personal information. We’ve accumulated a wealth of knowledge to help you combat spyware threats and stay safe online.

Although many users may not want to hear it, reading the terms of service is a good way to understand how your online activities are tracked. And of course, if a company you don’t recognize is advertising a deal that sounds too good to be true, make sure you have an Internet security solution and click with caution.

Hackers and Predators

Humans, not computers, create computer security threats and malware. Hackers and predators are programmers who sacrifice others for their own gain by breaking into computer systems and stealing, altering, or destroying information in a form of cyber terrorism. These online predators can compromise your credit card information, lock your data, and steal your personal information. As you can imagine, online security tools with identity theft protection are one of the most effective ways to protect yourself from cybercrime from this brand.


Phishers pretend to be trusted individuals or businesses in an attempt to steal sensitive financial or personal information through fraudulent emails or instant messages. Phishing attacks are one of the most successful methods used by cyber criminals to attempt data breaches. Antivirus solutions with identity theft protection can “teach” you to recognize phishing threats in just a few seconds.

How to make your system secure:

To keep your system’s data safe, you should take the following steps:

  1. Always keep a backup of your data.
  2. Install firewall software and keep it updated.
  3. Use strong, difficult-to-decipher passwords that contain uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
  4. Install antivirus and spyware software and keep it updated.
  5. Scan the entire system in time.
  6. Before installing a program, check if it is safe to install (using antivirus software).
  7. Be especially careful when reading emails that contain attachments.
  8. Keep your system updated.

Sample Ask Questions

Question 1: How can I protect my system from phishing attacks?

Fake and spam messages are usually sent via text message, email, social media or phone calls.

Filter or block phishing emails, ensure external emails are clearly specified, prevent email “spoofing” by attackers, and assist with employee training. Companies use proxy servers that block access to known malicious websites, prevent employees from browsing the web or checking email from accounts with administrative privileges, and enforce two-factor authentication (2FA) to prevent successful phishing. The impact of attacks can also be reduced. important accounts and services.

Question 2: What authentication mechanisms are used to control access to systems and data?

You can use the password system. However, a password is not the only security measure and should be complemented with other security measures to protect your business. Companies should encourage employees to adopt strong passwords and change default passwords. To avoid placing unreasonable demands on users, companies should require password access only when absolutely necessary and require password changes only when a breach is suspected.

Whenever practical, use two-factor authentication. “The most beneficial thing you can do to protect your important accounts is to set up 2FA.”

Question 3: List the causes of non-physical threads.

The following are the causes of non-physical threads:

Question 4: Compare worms and viruses.

DefinitionA malicious program(s) that connects to a legal program in order to harm the computer system or network.Rather than committing damaging operations, it consumes a system’s resources to bring it down.
Remotely ControlledNoYes
Spread RateModerateFast
PurposeInformation ModificationHalt the CPU, memory and other resources
ExecutionIt is dependent on the file transfer.Self-replicates without the need for human intervention.

Question 5: How do you make your system secure?

  • Always keep your system updated
  • Use firewall
  • Use good antivirus software
  • Always keep a backup of your data.
  • Always use strong passwords.

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