Mastering Hadoop Architecture: Understanding Its 4 Main Components

Hadoop architecture is designed for data processing. It is a big challenge to manage system failure, data replication, and large amounts of data storage. Hadoop architecture to handle these types of challenges and manage the task in an easy way. Hadoop architecture is based on HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System), YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator), … Read more

7 Main Data Mining Techniques and Examples you should know

Introduction to data mining techniques Data mining techniques refer to extracting large amounts of data. You can say that data mining techniques are the technology in science and art that discovered useful data patterns from the body of the data. Knowledge Discovery from Data (KDD), is like data mining techniques. Let’s discuss data mining. What … Read more

Data Science and Machine Learning: Don’t Get Confused! 2024

Introduction Data science and machine learning are two of the most popular modern technologies, and they are growing fast. This technology focuses on and requires different skills. Data science identifies the data analytics of data and information about science, while machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence and uses the techniques of data science. … Read more

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science: Top 10 key Differences

The Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AI&DS) will be established with 60 intakes for the academic year 2020-2021. The department is approved by AICTE, New Delhi, and affiliated with Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology, Belagavi. Artificial intelligence and data science are scientific methods, processes, and diagrams drawn from various disciplines, such as statistics, cognitive … Read more

Best 10 Data Visualization Techniques Every Data Scientist Should Know

Data visualization techniques are graphical representations of information and data. Data visualization tools provide an accessible way to see and understand trends, outliers, and patterns in your data using visual elements such as charts, graphs, and maps. This blog on data visualization techniques will help you understand the detailed techniques and benefits. Data Visualization Data … Read more

Introduction to Big Data: Challenges, Opportunities, and Solutions 2025

Introduction to Big Data Big data is a combination of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data that organizations collect, analyze, and mine for information and insights. It is used in machine learning projects, predictive modeling, and other advanced analytics applications. Systems that process and store big data have become common components of organizations’ data management architectures. … Read more

The Role of Python in Data Science: A Comprehensive Guide

From today’s perspective, the role of Python in data science is huge. Python is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language with an easy-to-use syntax that makes the learning curve short and fast. These features of Python are very useful for data scientists and professionals in the field of data science. Because Python offers a huge set … Read more

Clustering in Machine Learning: 5 essential algorithms you should know about

Clustering in Machine Learning In the real world, not all the data we work with has a target variable. This type of data cannot be analyzed using supervised learning algorithms. We need the help of untrained algorithms. One of the most common types of analysis in unsupervised learning is cluster analysis. Use cluster analysis when … Read more

Data Visualization: Importance, Tools, 4 best examples and learning resources

Introduction of data visualization Data visualization helps transform any detailed data into understandable, visually appealing and useful business information. By leveraging external data sources, today’s data visualization tools go far beyond providing a clear view of KPIs. They also integrate data and apply AI-powered analytics to understand the relationships between KPIs, markets, and the world … Read more